Prof. S Nurul Hasan College

Best Practices

Best Practice - I

ICT-Based Teaching-Learning Process



To increase student attentiveness and learning effectiveness, ICT offers a superior alternative to traditional teaching methods. The conventional “chalk and talk” approach often leads to decreased student interest, and materials cannot be easily circulated for later use. In contrast, ICT allows teaching content to be reused, supporting students who may need extra help without additional faculty time. Econtent can be shared with students who miss classes, ensuring that all learners benefit.


Prof. S Nurul Hasan College has developed four smart digital classrooms, one virtual classroom, and a conference room equipped with portable projectors and screens. Within these ICT-based rooms, three techniques are utilized:

Prepared Presentations:Teachers create slides in advance and deliver lectures using PowerPoint along with relevant video clips through an LCD projector.
Interactive Boards: Lessons are taught using interactive boards instead of traditional methods. The content delivered through these boards is converted into PDF files, which can be easily shared via email and social media.
Online Interaction: Students outside the classroom can interact with teachers during lectures, enhancing learning through real-time communication.

Regular classes are integrated into the daily routine, and a training program on ICT use in the classroom was organized under the IQAC’s supervision last year

Evidence of Success:


Best Practice - II

Growing Together: Concord



This practice aims to promote environmental consciousness and teamwork among students, instill civic responsibility, and raise awareness about social issues and legal rights within the community.


Students participate in regular cleaning activities in the locality, disinfecting drains and distributing saplings on World Environment Day and Rabindranath Tagore’s death anniversary. They also engage in tree planting on campus and in surrounding areas to foster community involvement.


Problems Encountered:

Resources Required:

Through these best practices, Prof. S Nurul Hasan College is committed to enhancing educational experiences and fostering community engagement.
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