Area of Specialization: Teacher Education
Research interests: Elementary Education
Date of joining: 18.08.2010
Teaching Experience: 14 years
E-mail address:
Academic Qualification:
M.A, B.Ed, Ph.D (SET)
Title of thesis (Ph.D.) with year:
Analysis on the Causes and Consequences of Dropout among the Elementary Schools Students of the Malda District of West Bengal, 2024.
Published papers in Journals:
Sl. No. | Title of the Paper | Authors | ISSN | Name of the Journal | Volume (issue) | Year | Page |
1 | The Concept of Humanity in Bengali Literature Contemporary Writer and Poets | Md Humayun Reja | 0974-5823 | IJME | Vol.-6 (Special Issue, NovDec) | 2021 | 1484-1490 |
2 | The Principles of Social Justice and Equity which are at the Core Global Mission of the United Nations to Promote Development and Human Dignity | Md Humayun Reja | 2319-9202 | INJCAS | Vol.-1 Issue-1 | 2023 | 144-151 |
3 | Analyse the Focus Equality of Instructional Probability has been Rising up in the Present Day Reform. | Md Humayun Reja | 2277- 9809 (online) & 2348- 9359 (print) | IRJMSH | Vol.-14 Issue-1 | 2023 | 170- 176 |
4 | Educational Analysis on Dropout Student among the Secondary Education in Malda District of West Bengal. | Md Humayun Reja & Dr. Mohit Soni | 2581- 7795 | IRJET | Vol.-05 Issue-07 | 2023 | 92-98 |
Chapters in Books:
Sl. No. | Title of the Paper | Authors | ISSN/ISBN | Name of the publishers | Name of the Book | Year | Page |
1 | Implementation Barriers of NEP 2020 for Four Years Integrated Course at Under Graduate Level of West Bengal. | Md Humayun Reja | 978-93-93873-675 | Renova International Publications | NEP 2020: Policy Reform in Higher Education and Obstacles in Implementation Issues at Under Graduate Level. | 2023 | 211-221 |
Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium/Workshop/Congress convened if any:
Seminar Type | Role | Topic | Funding Agency | Seminar Date |
International | Participation | Research and Innovation on Imperative area in the field of Professional Education | N/A | 13th & 14th March, 2023 |