Prof. S Nurul Hasan College

Pinaki Chakraborty

Area of Specialization: Library and Information Science
Date of joining: 16/10/2020

Academic Qualification:

M.Com,M.Libsc,M.libsc in Dig Library NET

Published papers in Journals:

Sl. No.Title of the PaperAuthorsISSNName of the JournalVolume (issue)YearPage
1Information seeking of students through internet in the libraries of the Marine Institutes in West Bengal:A Behavioral studyPinaki Chakraborty2395-597xParbo KagojVol:1,Issue:32015P12-16

Chapters in Books:

Sl. No.Title of the PaperAuthorsISSN/ISBNName of the publishersName of the BookYearPage
1Library Annual Report:An analytical study with special reference to school libraryMadhurima Dhar and Pinaki Chakraborty978-93-86714-21-3Kunal booksAcademic libraries in India: Challenges and future2017147-156

Conference Proceedings:

Sl.  No.TitleDetails of Conference PublicationISSN/ ISBN No.No of co-authorWhether applicant is main author
1Library modernization through Koha :A survey of academic libraries in West BengalProceedings of Indkoha 2017ISBN-978-81-908459-7-71Yes
2Public library services using digital reference sources-An overviewInternational seminar on Rejuvenating Public library services through digital reference sourcesISBN-978-81-929886-1-01No

Talks/Posters/Papers presented:

Sl. No.Name of the Seminar/SymposiaNational/
Sponsoring agency and organizersDate of Seminar/SymposiaTitle of the paperSpeaker/ paper presentator
1Application of Koha in libraries of the Indian subcontinent: Proceedings of Indkoha
InternationalBLA26/8/17-27/8/17Library modernization through Koha :A survey of academic libraries in West BengalPinaki Chakraborty

Other notable academic activities:

1)Worked as an Examiner of Netaji Subhash Open University(NSOU)
2)Familiar with two library software
3)Participated training course for officers working in Research, Reference ,Information and Library service on Lok Sabha Secretariat, Parliament house from 07/09/2015-11/09/2015
4)Participated some webinars on the different aspects of Library and Information science
5)Prepared a draft project report for the upgradation and modernization of Silver Point School Library, Kolkata
6)Attended Library day,Librarian day every year organized in the different part of this state.

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