Prof. S Nurul Hasan College

Sujata Bose

Area of Specialization: Indian Literature in English
Research interests: Indian Literature in English, Modern European Literature, Gender Studies
Date of joining: 30.09.2019
Teaching Experience: 4 years

Academic Qualification:

M.A., M. Phil., Ph.D in English

Title of thesis (Ph.D.) with year: Poetics of Place:

An Ecocritical Study of the Poetry of Niranjan Mohanty; 2020

Published papers in Journals:

Sl. No.Title of the PaperAuthorsISSNName of the JournalVolume (issue)YearPage
1Nature Marginalized: A Re-reading of Niranjan Mohanty’s PoemsSujata BoseE-ISSN 2348-1269, P-ISSN 2349-5138International Journal of Research and Analytical ReviewsVol. 5 Issue- 3 August201880-88
2An Orissan Panorama: A Study of the Selected Poems of Niranjan MohantySujata BoseE-ISSN 2348-1269, P-ISSN 2349-5138International Journal of Research and Analytical ReviewsVol. 5 Issue- 3 August2018639-649
3Voices Turn into Groans: Locating Trauma in the Selected Poems of Niranjan MohantySujata BoseE-ISSN 2348-1269, P-ISSN 2349-5138International Journal of Research and Analytical ReviewsVol. 5 Issue -3 August2018849-856
4The Wounded World: A Study of the Ecological Consciousness in the Poetry of Niranjan MohantySujata BoseISSN: 2230-7540Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied EducationVol. 15 Issue-62018122-126
5Inveighing Against Inequity: Re-reading Niranjan Mohanty’s Poetry of ProtestSujata BoseISSN: 2230-7540Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied EducationVol. 15 Issue-62018117-121

Chapters in Books:

Sl. No.Title of the PaperAuthorsISSN/ISBNName of the publishersName of the BookYearPage
1An Ecofeminist Reading of Niranjan
Mohanty’s “Krishna”
Sujata BoseISBN: 978-81-8064-231-9Progressive PublishersTrends and Developments in Science, Social Science and Humanities2016373-382
2An Unfogettable Saga: Re-reading Poems of Anne Ranasinghe and Cheran RudhramoorthySujata BoseISBN: 978-93-91449-50-6Ababil BooksDiaspora Literature: Exclamation for the Crises of Space and Identitty202335-44

Talks/Posters/Papers presented:

Sl. No.Name of the Seminar/SymposiaNational/
Sponsoring agency and organizersDate of Seminar/SymposiaTitle of the paperSpeaker/ paper presentator
1Literature and Marginality: Issues and PerspectivesNationalDepartment of English, Balurghat College2nd March, 2015Nature Marginalized: Re-reading Niranjan Mohanty’s PoemsPaper Presenter
2Trends and Developments in Science, Social Science and HumanitiesNationalDepartment of English, Islampur College22nd August, 2015An Ecofeminist Reading of Niranjan Mohanty’s “Krishna”Paper Presenter
3The Renaissance Across Continents and Cultures: A Trans-disciplinary PerspectiveInternationalDepartment of English, Samsi College9th January 2016The Woman and the Poet: Re-reading Katherine Philip’s PoemsPaper Presenter
4Exploring Trauma: Interdisciplinary PerspectiveInternationalDepartment of English, University og Gour Banga28-29th January2016Voices Turn into Groans: Locating Trauma in the Selected Poems of Niranjan MohantyPaper Presenter
5Ethical Issues Concerning Life and DeathNationalDepartment of Philosophy, Samsi College23-24th July 2016Bio-ethics and the Liquidation of Life: A Selected Reading of the Poems of Niranjan MohantyPaper Presenter
6Changing Geo-environmental Processes and Societal AdjustmentInternationalDepartment of Geography, University of Gour Banga30th August, 2016The Wounded World: A Study of the Ecological Consciousness in the Poetry of Niranjan MohantyPaper Presenter
7Nation and Beyond: Interdisciplinary PerspectivesInternationalDepartment of English, University of Gour Banga14-15th April, 2017The Ebbing Greenery and the Aching Nation: A Re-reading of Niranjan Mohanty’s PoetryPaper Presenter
8Re-reading British Poetry across Time and Space: Themes, Issues and PerspectivesInternationalDepartment of English, University of Gour Banga12-13th March, 2019Humble Lay: An Intersectional Re-reading of Marginal Voices in Selected Poems of Mary LeaporPaper Presenter
9Climate Change: Environmental Sustainability and Application of Geospatial TechnologyInternationalDepartment of Geography, Prof. Syed Nurul Hasan College, Farakka18-19th January 2023The Beauty and the Fury: A Study of Niranjan Mohanty’s PoemsPaper Presenter
10South Asian Literature and Culture: Interdisciplinary PerspectivesInternationalDepartment of English, University of Gour Banga26-27th April, 2023Peopling Place/Placing People: A Study of the Humanscape in Select Poems  of Niranjan MohantyPaper Presenter
11Diaspora Literature: Exclamation for the Crises of Space and IdentittyInternationalDepartment of English, Hazi A.K.Khan College29th April, 2023An Unforgettable Saga: A Study of the Selected Poems of Anne RanasinghePaper Presenter

Participation in OP/RC:

Sl. No.Name of the
Summer School
Mode (Online/Offline)
1HRDC, Doctor Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya (R.C.)Doctor Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh21st October to 2nd November, 2021UGC HRDC, Doctor Harisingh Gour VishwavidyalayaOnline
2HRDC, University of Burdwan (F.I.P.)University of Burdwan, Burdwan, West Bengal25th August to 23rd September, 2022UGC HRDC, University of BurdwanOnline

Attended any special course:

1.FDP Programme on “Elements of Literature, Language, Academic Writing and Poetry”, Dhruva Academy of Research International and Educational Institutions, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu, 26th May 2020 to 1st June 2020.

2. FDP Programme on “Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning the English Language”, Sri S. Ramaswamy Naidu Memorial College, Sattur & Department of English, Anna University, Chennai, 14th December to 16th December, 2023

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