Prof. S Nurul Hasan College

Md Hasan Ali

Area of Specialization: Population Geography
Research interests: Population Migration, Child Labour
Date of joining: 15/01/2021
Teaching Experience: One Year and Six Months
E-mail address:

Academic Qualification

MA, Ph.D

Published papers in Journals:

Sl. No.Title of the PaperAuthorsISSNName of the JournalVolume (issue)YearPage
1Meaning and Magnitude of Child Labour: A Brick Kiln Study of Murshidabad District, West Bengal, IndiaDr. Md. Hasan Ali2348-3164International Journal of Social Science and Humanities ResearchVol. 7, Issue 22019890-907
2Impact of Self- Help Groups on Women Empowerment: Special Reference To Murshidabad District, West Bengal, IndiaDr. Md. Hasan Ali2348-1269International Journal of Research And Analytical ReviewsVolume 5 Issue 32018118-124
3Causes And Consequences of Out- Migration: A Study in Murshidabad District, West Bengal, IndiaDr. Md. Hasan Ali2230-9926International Journal of Development ResearchVol.-08, Issue-01201818189-18194
4Changing Cropping Pattern And Irrigation Intensity: A Study Of Murshidabad District, West Bengal, IndiaDr. Md. Hasan Ali2455-8834International Journal of Social Science And Economic ResearchVolume:03, Issue:0720183325-3342
5Prevent Child Marriage: An Essay With Special Reference to Kanyashree Prakalpa of West BengalMd. Hasan Ali & Dr. Sanjay Kr. Jha2319-5614Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR)Volume 4, No.72015520-525
6Consequences of Depletion of Groundwater Table and its Management in Murshidabad District, WB.Md. Hasan Ali2454-9827North Asian International Research Journal of Social Science & HumanitiesVol. 1, Issue 3201503-11
And Level of Nutrition– A Study in Reference to Murshidabad District, WB.
Md. Hasan Ali & Dr. Sanjay Kr. Jha2321-8045Science Park Research JournalVolume- 2, Issue -51201501-07
8Analysis of the Factors Responsible for River Bank Erosion: A Study in Berhampore Block, Murshidabad District,
West Bengal.
Md. Hasan Ali2321-8045Science Park Research JournalVolume-2 Issue-44201501-11
9A Comparative Study on the Dropout Problem
in Primary Education Among Muslim Community
in Relation to Gender and Economic Status
In Murshidabad District
Md. Hasan Ali & Dr. Sanjay Kr. Jha2231-5063Golden Research ThoughtsVolume – 5 Issue – 1201501-09
10Micro Level Education System: A Case Study of Murshidabad District, West BengalMd. Hasan Ali2231-5063Golden Research ThoughtsVolume-4 Issue-6201401-08
11A Comparative Study of Literacy Pattern in Muslim and Hindu Population in
Murshidabad District, West Bengal
Md. Hasan Ali & Dr. Sanjay Kr. Jha2249-894XReview of ResearchVol. 3  Issue. 12201401-08

Talks/Posters/Papers presented:

Sl. No.Name of the Seminar/SymposiaNational/
Sponsoring agency and organizersDate of Seminar/SymposiaTitle of the paperSpeaker/ paper presentator
1Problems and Prospects of Rural Industries of IndiaNationalThe Association of Geographers, Bihar & Jharkhand (AGBJ)29-30th Sept., 2021Magnitude of Child Labour in Rural Brick Industries: A Case Study of Murshidabad District, West BengalPaper Presentation
2Geography as Spatial Science: Contemporary Issues and ChallengesNationalUGC Sponsored, Department of Geography, Aliah University & Foundation of Practicising Geographers Kolkata8th & 9th March, 2019Debt and bondage: A social and economic study of child labour in Brick kiln industry in Murshidabad district, West BengalPaper Presentation
3Education and Sustainable Development in Indian ContextNationalUGC Sponsored, Dept. of Zoology, T.N.B. College and P.G. Dept. of Biotechnology, T.M.B.U.30th -31st May, 2016Regional Disparities of Primary Educational Facilities in Murshidabad District of West Bengal, India: Some Findings.Paper Presentation
4Educational Development Index for Higher EducationNationalUGC Sponsored, Univ. Dept. of Psychology, T.M.B.U.16th -17th May, 2016Parameters and Educational Development Index: A Case Study of Bihar.Paper Presentation
5Natural Resource Management and Geo-informaticsNationalUniv. Dept. of Geography, T.M.B.U.8th -9th April, 2016Housing Consumption and Urbanization: IndiaPaper Presentation
6Emerging Trends of Research in Commerce and ManagementInternationalUGC Sponsored, Univ. Dept. of Commerce and Business Administration, T.M.B.U.11th -12th March, 2016Rural Haat and their Socio-Economic Impact: A Case Study in Beldanga-I Block of Murshidabad District, W.B.Paper Presentation
7Groundwater: Issues & Challenges of the 21st CenturyInternationalDST, Govt. of India & West Bengal, Sripat Singh College, Jiaganj and Dept. of Chemistry, Kalyani University29th -30th December, 2014Consequences of Depletion of Groundwater Table and Its Management in Murshidabad District, WB.Paper Presentation
8Empowerment of Women after Six Decades of Independence: Where do they stand?NationalUGC Sponsored, M.S. College, T.M. Bhagalpur University21st -22nd Nov, 2014A Geographical Study of Role of Education in Women Empowerment: IndiaPaper Presentation
9Ethical Values in Modern SocietyState LevelUGC Sponsored, Dept. of Philosophy, S.R. Fatepuria College, KU.20th 21st Sep, 2013Participated
10Indo-Bangladesh Relations: Issues, Problems and Recent DevelopmentsNationalUGC Sponsored, Dept. of Political Science & Dept. of History, Krishnanath College, KU.7th -8th Sep, 2013Participated
11Murshidabad: From Locality to Nation, A Bengal District in TransitionState LevelUGC Sponsored, Dept. of Histry, Krishnanath College, KU.6th  Sep, 2013Participated


U.G.C. Maulana Azad National Fellowship (MANF), Project Director (ICSSR)

Attended any special course:

Three day Faculty Development Program on Citation Styles and Reference Lists on 21st – 23rd June, 2021 in Department of Data Sciences, Siva Sivani Institute of Management

Other notable academic activities:

  1. One Month Digital Mapping and Geographical Information System training from NATMO, Kolkata.
  2.  Three days ARCGIS training in the Dept. of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata.
  3. Two days GPS training in the Dept. of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata.

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