Area of Specialization: Population Geography
Research interests: Population Migration, Child Labour
Date of joining: 15/01/2021
Teaching Experience: One Year and Six Months
E-mail address:
Academic Qualification
MA, Ph.D
Published papers in Journals:
Sl. No. | Title of the Paper | Authors | ISSN | Name of the Journal | Volume (issue) | Year | Page |
1 | Meaning and Magnitude of Child Labour: A Brick Kiln Study of Murshidabad District, West Bengal, India | Dr. Md. Hasan Ali | 2348-3164 | International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research | Vol. 7, Issue 2 | 2019 | 890-907 |
2 | Impact of Self- Help Groups on Women Empowerment: Special Reference To Murshidabad District, West Bengal, India | Dr. Md. Hasan Ali | 2348-1269 | International Journal of Research And Analytical Reviews | Volume 5 Issue 3 | 2018 | 118-124 |
3 | Causes And Consequences of Out- Migration: A Study in Murshidabad District, West Bengal, India | Dr. Md. Hasan Ali | 2230-9926 | International Journal of Development Research | Vol.-08, Issue-01 | 2018 | 18189-18194 |
4 | Changing Cropping Pattern And Irrigation Intensity: A Study Of Murshidabad District, West Bengal, India | Dr. Md. Hasan Ali | 2455-8834 | International Journal of Social Science And Economic Research | Volume:03, Issue:07 | 2018 | 3325-3342 |
5 | Prevent Child Marriage: An Essay With Special Reference to Kanyashree Prakalpa of West Bengal | Md. Hasan Ali & Dr. Sanjay Kr. Jha | 2319-5614 | Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR) | Volume 4, No.7 | 2015 | 520-525 |
6 | Consequences of Depletion of Groundwater Table and its Management in Murshidabad District, WB. | Md. Hasan Ali | 2454-9827 | North Asian International Research Journal of Social Science & Humanities | Vol. 1, Issue 3 | 2015 | 03-11 |
7 | Population And Level of Nutrition– A Study in Reference to Murshidabad District, WB. | Md. Hasan Ali & Dr. Sanjay Kr. Jha | 2321-8045 | Science Park Research Journal | Volume- 2, Issue -51 | 2015 | 01-07 |
8 | Analysis of the Factors Responsible for River Bank Erosion: A Study in Berhampore Block, Murshidabad District, West Bengal. | Md. Hasan Ali | 2321-8045 | Science Park Research Journal | Volume-2 Issue-44 | 2015 | 01-11 |
9 | A Comparative Study on the Dropout Problem in Primary Education Among Muslim Community in Relation to Gender and Economic Status In Murshidabad District | Md. Hasan Ali & Dr. Sanjay Kr. Jha | 2231-5063 | Golden Research Thoughts | Volume – 5 Issue – 1 | 2015 | 01-09 |
10 | Micro Level Education System: A Case Study of Murshidabad District, West Bengal | Md. Hasan Ali | 2231-5063 | Golden Research Thoughts | Volume-4 Issue-6 | 2014 | 01-08 |
11 | A Comparative Study of Literacy Pattern in Muslim and Hindu Population in Murshidabad District, West Bengal | Md. Hasan Ali & Dr. Sanjay Kr. Jha | 2249-894X | Review of Research | Vol. 3 Issue. 12 | 2014 | 01-08 |
Talks/Posters/Papers presented:
Sl. No. | Name of the Seminar/Symposia | National/ International/State | Sponsoring agency and organizers | Date of Seminar/Symposia | Title of the paper | Speaker/ paper presentator |
1 | Problems and Prospects of Rural Industries of India | National | The Association of Geographers, Bihar & Jharkhand (AGBJ) | 29-30th Sept., 2021 | Magnitude of Child Labour in Rural Brick Industries: A Case Study of Murshidabad District, West Bengal | Paper Presentation |
2 | Geography as Spatial Science: Contemporary Issues and Challenges | National | UGC Sponsored, Department of Geography, Aliah University & Foundation of Practicising Geographers Kolkata | 8th & 9th March, 2019 | Debt and bondage: A social and economic study of child labour in Brick kiln industry in Murshidabad district, West Bengal | Paper Presentation |
3 | Education and Sustainable Development in Indian Context | National | UGC Sponsored, Dept. of Zoology, T.N.B. College and P.G. Dept. of Biotechnology, T.M.B.U. | 30th -31st May, 2016 | Regional Disparities of Primary Educational Facilities in Murshidabad District of West Bengal, India: Some Findings. | Paper Presentation |
4 | Educational Development Index for Higher Education | National | UGC Sponsored, Univ. Dept. of Psychology, T.M.B.U. | 16th -17th May, 2016 | Parameters and Educational Development Index: A Case Study of Bihar. | Paper Presentation |
5 | Natural Resource Management and Geo-informatics | National | Univ. Dept. of Geography, T.M.B.U. | 8th -9th April, 2016 | Housing Consumption and Urbanization: India | Paper Presentation |
6 | Emerging Trends of Research in Commerce and Management | International | UGC Sponsored, Univ. Dept. of Commerce and Business Administration, T.M.B.U. | 11th -12th March, 2016 | Rural Haat and their Socio-Economic Impact: A Case Study in Beldanga-I Block of Murshidabad District, W.B. | Paper Presentation |
7 | Groundwater: Issues & Challenges of the 21st Century | International | DST, Govt. of India & West Bengal, Sripat Singh College, Jiaganj and Dept. of Chemistry, Kalyani University | 29th -30th December, 2014 | Consequences of Depletion of Groundwater Table and Its Management in Murshidabad District, WB. | Paper Presentation |
8 | Empowerment of Women after Six Decades of Independence: Where do they stand? | National | UGC Sponsored, M.S. College, T.M. Bhagalpur University | 21st -22nd Nov, 2014 | A Geographical Study of Role of Education in Women Empowerment: India | Paper Presentation |
9 | Ethical Values in Modern Society | State Level | UGC Sponsored, Dept. of Philosophy, S.R. Fatepuria College, KU. | 20th 21st Sep, 2013 | — | Participated |
10 | Indo-Bangladesh Relations: Issues, Problems and Recent Developments | National | UGC Sponsored, Dept. of Political Science & Dept. of History, Krishnanath College, KU. | 7th -8th Sep, 2013 | — | Participated |
11 | Murshidabad: From Locality to Nation, A Bengal District in Transition | State Level | UGC Sponsored, Dept. of Histry, Krishnanath College, KU. | 6th Sep, 2013 | — | Participated |
U.G.C. Maulana Azad National Fellowship (MANF), Project Director (ICSSR)
Attended any special course:
Three day Faculty Development Program on Citation Styles and Reference Lists on 21st – 23rd June, 2021 in Department of Data Sciences, Siva Sivani Institute of Management
Other notable academic activities:
- One Month Digital Mapping and Geographical Information System training from NATMO, Kolkata.
- Three days ARCGIS training in the Dept. of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata.
- Two days GPS training in the Dept. of Geography, Aliah University, Kolkata.