Prof. S Nurul Hasan College

Maitreyee Ghosh

Area of Specialization :Fluvial Morphology
Research interests : Fluvial Morphology
Date of joining: 03.10.1994
Teaching Experience: Twenty Eight (28) + years

Academic Qualification:

M.Sc in Geography

Talks/Posters/Papers presented : Participated in several seminar  in last 28 years

Sl. No.Name of theSeminar/SymposiaNational/International/StateSponsoringagency and organizersDate of Seminar/Symp
Title of the  paperSpeaker/paperpresentator
1 Population, urbanization and environment contemporary issue and challengesInternationalWomens’ Christian college21th to 22th March 2018 Impact of the nature of population and urbanization on the environment of Farakka cd block, India M. Ghosh
2Earth system process and interruption l issue and challengesInternationalGour Banga University19th to 20th  April 2017Iron Contamination in ground water ; portable water issue and challenges Farakka cd block, India  Do
3 Inclusive growth and sustainabilityNationalBaharampore college and Domcol college, Mursidabad.11/12 April 2013The Inclusive growth and sustainable development – Refugees near FBP area , MursidabadDo
4Re visiting partition of India – long term perspectiveNationalUGC P N Das college, Palta and PSNH College, farakka.6-7 December 2012Refugee settlement at FBP area – Mursidabad; A Geographical prospective,Do
5Arsenic Pollution in west Bengal and Awareness Generation programNationalSrikrishna College, Bogula5-6 August 2005Arsenic Pollution In Farakka to generate awareness in the localityDo
1. Participated in International conference sustainable water resources management under changed climate, 13th  march – 15th  march 2020 organized by school of water resources engineering, Jadavpur university.

2.Geo special conclave 2020. ( A National Policy making conference , organized by – SAIARD 13th January to 14th January 2020, Jadavpur university.

Membership of Learned Societies/ Editorial Boards, etc.

Geographical Society of India, ILEE, Bangiyo Bhugol Mahcho.

Participation in OP/RC:

Sl. No.Name of the
123rd Academic Staff Orientation developmentAcademic Staff College University of Calcutta27th Jan – 23th  Feb 1998University Grants commissionOffline
2Environment Education Curriculum development  – Refreshers courseSivatosh Mookerjee Science Memorial Institute Calcutta3rd Oct.-25th Oct 1998University Grants commissionOffline
3International Symposium on changing Environment Scenario in S, Asia during past decadesDepartment of Geography , University of Calcutta20th Dec-21st Dec- 1998Institute of Landscape, Ecology and Ekistics (ILEE)Offline
4Geography and sustainable development – Refreshers CourseAcademic Staff College University of Calcutta2nd Feb to 23rd Feb. 2000University Grants commissionOffline
1. Academic staff college Kolkata, Feb10 to Mar 02 -2005
2. Academic Staff college Kolkata, Jan 02 to Jan 21-2006
3. Participated in online seminar in Covid pandemic period.


Attended any special course:

1.Indian Institution of Technology ( IIT) Kharagpur, Research Methodology for rural social sciences .
2.UGIS ( Workshop-2008) ***
3.Re training of college teacher UGC –energy system and climate change 2007. Jadavpor university.
4.Presenting Research paper and thesis 05th Dec-06th Dec 2005
5.Renewable energy and environment
6.Rain water harvesting – 2006
7.Workshop on ICT base teaching Methodology – Rani Dhanya kumara College, Mursidabad-2017
8.Training program on Academic Readership. ANU – MHRD Govt. of India. – 2018
9.Remote Fencing and GIS- workshop NATMO
10.East Calcutta College.
11.Certificates course QGIS ( IIARI) – 2022

Other notable academic activities:

All Related to Department of Geography  P.S.N.H college, Farakka.

  1. Wall Magazine
  2. Printed Magazine
  3. Online Cultural function and online webinars
  4. Activities under NSS program

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