Area of Specialization :Fluvial Morphology
Research interests : Fluvial Morphology
Date of joining: 03.10.1994
Teaching Experience: Twenty Eight (28) + years
Academic Qualification:
M.Sc in Geography
Talks/Posters/Papers presented : Participated in several seminar in last 28 years
Sl. No. | Name of theSeminar/Symposia | National/International/State | Sponsoringagency and organizers | Date of Seminar/Symp osia | Title of the paper | Speaker/paperpresentator |
1 | Population, urbanization and environment contemporary issue and challenges | International | Womens’ Christian college | 21th to 22th March 2018 | Impact of the nature of population and urbanization on the environment of Farakka cd block, India | M. Ghosh |
2 | Earth system process and interruption l issue and challenges | International | Gour Banga University | 19th to 20th April 2017 | Iron Contamination in ground water ; portable water issue and challenges Farakka cd block, India | Do |
3 | Inclusive growth and sustainability | National | Baharampore college and Domcol college, Mursidabad. | 11/12 April 2013 | The Inclusive growth and sustainable development – Refugees near FBP area , Mursidabad | Do |
4 | Re visiting partition of India – long term perspective | National | UGC P N Das college, Palta and PSNH College, farakka. | 6-7 December 2012 | Refugee settlement at FBP area – Mursidabad; A Geographical prospective, | Do |
5 | Arsenic Pollution in west Bengal and Awareness Generation program | National | Srikrishna College, Bogula | 5-6 August 2005 | Arsenic Pollution In Farakka to generate awareness in the locality | Do |
1. Participated in International conference sustainable water resources management under changed climate, 13th march – 15th march 2020 organized by school of water resources engineering, Jadavpur university.
2.Geo special conclave 2020. ( A National Policy making conference , organized by – SAIARD 13th January to 14th January 2020, Jadavpur university.
Membership of Learned Societies/ Editorial Boards, etc.
Geographical Society of India, ILEE, Bangiyo Bhugol Mahcho.
Participation in OP/RC:
Sl. No. | Name of the Course/SummerSchool | Place | Duration | SponsoringAgency | Mode (Online/Offline) |
1 | 23rd Academic Staff Orientation development | Academic Staff College University of Calcutta | 27th Jan – 23th Feb 1998 | University Grants commission | Offline |
2 | Environment Education Curriculum development – Refreshers course | Sivatosh Mookerjee Science Memorial Institute Calcutta | 3rd Oct.-25th Oct 1998 | University Grants commission | Offline |
3 | International Symposium on changing Environment Scenario in S, Asia during past decades | Department of Geography , University of Calcutta | 20th Dec-21st Dec- 1998 | Institute of Landscape, Ecology and Ekistics (ILEE) | Offline |
4 | Geography and sustainable development – Refreshers Course | Academic Staff College University of Calcutta | 2nd Feb to 23rd Feb. 2000 | University Grants commission | Offline |
2. Academic Staff college Kolkata, Jan 02 to Jan 21-2006
3. Participated in online seminar in Covid pandemic period.
Attended any special course:
1.Indian Institution of Technology ( IIT) Kharagpur, Research Methodology for rural social sciences .
2.UGIS ( Workshop-2008) ***
3.Re training of college teacher UGC –energy system and climate change 2007. Jadavpor university.
4.Presenting Research paper and thesis 05th Dec-06th Dec 2005
5.Renewable energy and environment
6.Rain water harvesting – 2006
7.Workshop on ICT base teaching Methodology – Rani Dhanya kumara College, Mursidabad-2017
8.Training program on Academic Readership. ANU – MHRD Govt. of India. – 2018
9.Remote Fencing and GIS- workshop NATMO
10.East Calcutta College.
11.Certificates course QGIS ( IIARI) – 2022
Other notable academic activities:
All Related to Department of Geography P.S.N.H college, Farakka.
- Wall Magazine
- Printed Magazine
- Online Cultural function and online webinars
- Activities under NSS program