Area of Specialization: Applied Mathematics
Research interests: Fixed Point Theory, Bicomplex Analysis
Date of joining: 09/11/2006
Teaching Experience: 17 Years 5 Months
E-mail address:
Vidwan ID: 453244
Orchid ID: 0000-0001-9515-7294
Scopus ID: 57226056847
Researcher ID: JAX-4338-2023
Google Scholar ID: IT7uC3MAAAAJ
Title of thesis (Ph.D.) with year: “Fixed Point Theorems in Bicomplex Valued Metric Spaces,” Awarded on 27/05/2024.
Academic Qualification:
M. Sc. in Mathematics
Published papers in Journals:
Sl. No. | Title of the Paper | ISSN | Name of the Journal | Volume (issue) | Year | Indexing |
1 | Fixed point in bicomplex valued metric spaces | 2008-6822 | International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications. | Vol. 12 (No. 2) | 2021 | Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar |
2 | A common fixed point theorem in bicomplex valued b-Metric Spaces | 0025- 5742 | The Mathematics Student | Vol. 90 (No.3-4) | 2021 | Scopus, Scholar |
3 | On a common fixed point theorem in bicomplex valued b-metric spaces | 2687-4814 | Montes Taurus Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | Vol. 3 (No. 3) | 2021 | Scopus, Google Scholar |
4 | On the study of fixed point theorems in bicomplex valued metric spaces | 2231-5314 | Journal of the Calcutta Mathematical Society | Vol. 16 (No. 1) | 2020 | UGC-Care List Group I |
5 | Some common fixed point theorems for contracting mappings in bicomplex valued b-metric spaces | 0008-0659 | Bulletin of Calcutta Mathematical Society | Vol. 112 (No. 4) | 2020 | UGC-Care List Group I |
6 | Common fixed point theorems in bicomplex valued metric spaces bmetric spaces or rational contraction | 2455-7463 | Jñānābha | Vol. 50 (No. 2) | 2020 | UGC-Care List Group I |
7 | Common point result for contractive type mappings in bicomplex valued metric spaces | 2189-1664 | Applied Analysis and Optimization | Vol. 4 (No. 3) | 2020 |
Sl. No. | Books Name | ISBN No | Publisher | Publishing Year |
1 | Some Study on Fixed Point Theorems in Bicomplex Valued Metric Spaces | 978-620-2-80056-3 | LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing | 2020 |
2 | Fixed Point Theorems in Metric Spaces | 978-93-86028-49-5 | Adhyayan Publication | 2016 |
Papers presented:
Sl. No. | Name of the Seminar/ Webinar/ Symposia | National/International/ State | Sponsoring agency and organizers | Date of Seminar/ Symposia | Title of the paper |
1 | Advancement of Mathematical Sciences and Computer Vision (Annual Conference of Calcutta Mathematical Society) | International | CSIR New Delhi & ISI Kolkata, Calcutta Mathematical Society | 09-11 December 2023 | Some common fixed point theorems in bicomplex valued bmetric spaces |
2 | Recent Trends of Mathematical Science | International | Calcutta Mathematical Society | 25-26 February 2022 | Common fixed point theorems for weakly compatible mappings in bicomplex valued bmetric spaces |
3 | 86th Annual Conference of the Indian Mathematical Society | International | Indian Mathematical Society | 17-20 December 2020 | Common fixed point theorems for a pair of mappings in bicomplex valued metric spaces |
4 | The Role of Applied Mathematics in Present Global Crises | International | Department of Applied Mathematics with Oceanology and Computer Programming, Vidyasagsar University | 5-7 August 2020 | Fixed point results in partially ordered bicomplex valued metric spaces for rational type expressions |
5 | Complex Analysis and Differential Geometry: Revisiting | International | Department Mathematics & IQAC, Sidho-Kanho-Birsa University | 29-30 June 2020 | A common fixed point theorem in bicomplex valued b-metric spaces |
6 | Mathematical Perspective of COVID-19 Outbreak: Predictions, Precautions & Preventive Measures | National | Department Mathematics & IQAC, Sidho-Kanho-Birsa University | 11-12 June 2020 | Few common fixed point theorems in bicomplex valued bmetric spaces |
Special Certificate Courses Attended:
Sl. No. | Name of the Course | Conducting Organization/ Agency | Year | Mode & Duration (Offline/Online) |
1 | Research Methodology | SWAYAM & IIT Madras | August to October, 2023 | Online, 8 Week Course |
2 | Introductory Course in Real Analysis | SWAYAM & IIT Kharagpur | July to October, 2023 | Online, 12 Week Course |
3 | Introduction to Abstract and Linear Algebra | SWAYAM & IIT Kharagpur | July toSeptember, 2022 | Online, 8 Week Course |
4 | Advanced Probability Theory | SWAYAM, IIT Madras | January to April, 2022 | Online, 12 Week Course |
5 | Transform Calculus and Its Applications | SWAYAM & IIT Kharagpur | January to April, 2022 | Online, 12 Week Course |
6 | Research Methodology | SWAYAM & IIT Madras | January to April, 2022 | Online, 12 Week Course |
Participation in OP/RC/FDP:
Sl. No. | Name of the Course | Conducting Organization/ Agency | Year | Mode & Duration (Offline/Onli ne) |
1 | Refresher Course in Applied Mathematics | HRDC, Ranchi University | September, 2021 | Online, 2 Week Course |
2 | Online Workshop on Emerging Areas in Mathematics (One Week FDP) | Calcutta Mathematical Society | July, 2021 | Online, 1 Week Course |
3 | Refresher Course on Data Analysis with Statistical Methods | Ministry of Higher Education & Ramanujan College, Delhi University | January, 2021 | Online, 2 Week Course |
4 | ICT Based New Paradigms of E-Teaching and E-Learning: Digital Pedagogy | Ministry of Higher Education, Mata Sundari college & Ramanujan College, Delhi University | September, 2020 | Online, 2 Week Course |
5 | National Workshop on Use of ICT in Teaching Learning Processes-2018 | DST-PURSE, University of Kalyani | September, 2018 | Offline, 2 Week Course |
6 | ICT Based Teaching Methodology | Rani Dhanya Kumari College, University of Kalyani | March, 2017 | Offline, 1 Week Course |
7 | UGC-Sponsored Refreshers Course in Mathematics | Academic Staff College, University of Calcutta | August, 2012 | Offline, 3 Week Course |
8 | UGC-Sponsored Orientation Programme | Academic Staff College, University of Calcutta | July, 2011 | Offline, 4 Week Course |
Participation in Seminars and Workshops:
Sl. No. | Name of the Seminar/Workshop | Conducting Institution/ Agency | Date | Mode & (Offline/Online) |
1 | Importance of AI in Education | Higher Education Dept, Govt of West Bengal in association with Microsoft India and Quantum Learnings | 27th March, 2024 | Online |
2 | Workshop-cumAwareness Programme on NIRF | Krishnagar Women’s College | 18th August, 2023 | Offline |
3 | Mathematical Modeling on Recent Epidemiological Issues: COVID-19 Disease and Its Control Strategies | Mahadevananda Mahavidyalaya | 10th July, 2020 | Offline |
4 | Two Day International eConference | Department of Mathematics, Kazi Nazrul University | 6 th & 7th June, 2020 | Offline |
5 | One Day Workshop on Internal Assurance Cell | Sripat Singh College | 13th August, 2014 | Offline |
6 | National Seminar on Recent Trends in Mathematics (NSRTM2013) | The Department of Mathematics, University of Kalyan | 8 th March, 2013 | Offline |
7 | National Seminar on Mathematics and Applications | Department of Mathematics, University of Burdwan | 28th to 29th March, 2012 | Offline |
8 | National Seminar on Non-Linear Aspects of Analysis and Algebra (NAAA-2012) | Department of Mathematics, Siksha Bhavana, Visva-Bharati | 24th to 25th March, 2012 | Offline |
9 | National Seminar on Analysis, Modelling and Geometric Topology (NSAMGT-2012) | Department of Mathematics, University of Kalyani | 21st to 22nd March, 2012 | Offline |
10 | National-Level Seminar on Application of Mathematics in Science and Social Science | Department of Mathematics, Nabadwip Vidyasagar College in collaboration with Department of Mathematics, Ranaghat College | 10th to 11th January, 2012 | Offline |
11 | National Seminar on Analysis of Nonlinear Systems (ANS-2011) | Department of Mathematics, Siksha Bhavana, Visva-Bharati | 26th to 27th March, 2011 | Offline |
12 | National Seminar on Analysis, Modelling and Geometry (NSAMG2011) | Department of Mathematics, University of Kalyani | 10th to 11th March, 2011 | Offline |
13 | One Day Workshop on Implementation of UGC Curriculum on Environmental Studies (Compulsory Paper) at Undergraduate Level | University of Kalyani | 23rd February, 2010 | Offline |
14 | State-Level Seminar on Higher Education Under Self-financing Schemes | Department of Commerce, Bethuadahari College | 25th September, 2008 | Offline |