Area of Specialization: Volley Ball Under Aram Service Growth
Research interests: Yes
Date of joining: 18-09-2013
Teaching Experience: 9 years
E-mail: islammdsoriful776
Academic Qualification:
Talks/Posters/Papers presented:
Sl. No. | Name of the Seminar/Symposia | National/ International/State | Sponsoring agency and organizers | Date of Seminar/Symposia | Title of the paper | Speaker/ paper presentator |
1 | Emerging Trends and Application of Rules in Athletics | National Workshop | Banaras Hindu University, U.P (Department of Physical Education) | 20th January to 22th January 2011 | Trends and Application of Rules in Athletics | Md Soriful Islam |
Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium/Workshop/Congress convened if any:
Emerging Trends and Application of Rules in Athletics