Prof. S Nurul Hasan College

Md Soriful Islam

Area of Specialization: Volley Ball Under Aram Service Growth
Research interests: Yes
Date of joining: 18-09-2013
Teaching Experience: 9 years
E-mail: islammdsoriful776

Academic Qualification:


Talks/Posters/Papers presented:

Sl. No.Name of the Seminar/SymposiaNational/
Sponsoring agency and organizersDate of Seminar/SymposiaTitle of the paperSpeaker/ paper presentator
1Emerging Trends and Application of Rules in AthleticsNational WorkshopBanaras Hindu University, U.P (Department of Physical Education)20th  January to 22th January  2011Trends and Application of Rules in AthleticsMd Soriful Islam

Seminar/ Conference/ Symposium/Workshop/Congress convened if any:  

Emerging Trends and Application of Rules in Athletics

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