Area of Specialization: Political Socialogy
Date of joining: 03/10/2018
Teaching Experience: 5 years
Academic Qualification:
M. A.
Chapters in Books:
Sl. No. | Title of the Paper | Authors | ISSN/ISBN | Name of the publishers | Name of the Book | Year | Page |
1 | Gender Identity in Contemporary India:A Case Study of Transgerder | Benazir Rahaman | 978-93-5959-833-9 | Blue Rose One | India & Identity: Some Reflections | 2023 | 20-31 |
Talks/Posters/Papers presented:
Sl. No. | Name of the Seminar/Symposia | National/ International/State | Sponsoring agency and organizers | Date of Seminar/Symposia | Title of the paper | Speaker/ paper presentator |
1 | One day National Seminar on India &Identity in the context of History, Polity &Economy. | National Seminar. | Organised by the department of History and Political Science. Murshidabad Adarsa Mahavidyalaya. Islampur, Murshidabad. | 22/03/2023 | Gender Identity in contemporary India:A case study of transgender. | Benazir Rahaman. |
Workshop/Congress attended:
Sl .No | Title of Workshop | Organiser | Duration |
1 | NEP-2020 Implementation Plan: strategic Action and Plan | UHC-HRDC Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishvavidhyalaya | 25th February, 2023 |