Area of Specialization: Political Thought and Theory
Research interests: Indian Multinational Corporations and Their Role and Impact on India’s Foreign Policy Making
Date of joining: 11/09/2019
Teaching Experience: Seven
Title of thesis (Ph.D.) with year: Indian Multinational Corporations and Their Role and Impact on India’s Foreign Policy Making, 2019
Research Projects (Completed): Indian Multinational Corporations and Their Role and Impact on India’s Foreign Policy Making, socio-Economic Condition of North Bengal, socio-Economic condition of West Bengal: special Reflection on Murshidaabad District
List of publications: Seventeen
Academic Qualification:
Published papers in Journals:
Sl. No. | Title of the Paper | Authors | ISSN | Name of the Journal | Volume (issue) | Year | Page |
1 | India-Bangladesh Relations Since Twenty first century: Evolution and Challenges of North-East India | Hari Das Biswas | 2347-3193 | NAM TODAY-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE NEW AGE MIND | Vol-LVXXXIII, NO-11 | 2018 | 31-34 |
2 | Digital India’s Impact and Majors Plan on Economy and Policy Making | Hari Das Biswas | 2319-9318 | Vidyawarta-UGC Approved | Vol-04, Issue-28 | 2018 | 58-66 |
3 | Indian Multinational Corporations:A Study of Their Role in Foreign Policy Making | Hari Das Biswas | 2347-3193 | NAM TODAY-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE NEW AGE MIND | Vol-LVXXIX, NO-08 | 2018 | 14-20 |
4 | The Role and Impact of Five Year Plan on Indian Multinational Corporations | Hari Das Biswas | 2394-5303 | Printing Area International Research Journal | Vol-01, Issue-46 | 2018 | 13-21 |
5 | The Role of Women Association in Pre-Independent and post- Independent India | Hari Das Biswas | 2321-0583 | JONER | Vol-2, Issue-7 | 2019 | 88-95 |
6 | The Role of Five Year Plans on India’s Multinational Corporations | Hari Das Biswas | The Indian Journal of Political Science | Vol-LXXX, NO-1 | 2019 | 101-106 |
Conference Proceedings:
Sl. No | Title | Details of Conference Publication | ISSN/ ISBN No. | No of co-author | Whether applicant is main author |
1 | Five Year plans and India’s Multinational Corporations | 58th All India Political Science Conference & International Confidence. Meerut, on Aspiring India, 2018 | |||
2 | Local Issues Global Resolution: Ecology, Environment, Climate and Economy | International Conference, Raiganj University, 10-11th January, 2018 |
Talks/Posters/Papers presented:
Sl. No. | Name of the Seminar/Symposia | National/ International/State | Sponsoring agency and organizers | Date of Seminar/Symposia | Title of the paper | Speaker/ paper presentator |
1 | Nehru and Nation Building in India | International Seminar | Centre for Nehru Studies (UGC), DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, NORTH BENGAL UNIVERSITY | 28-29 March, 2015 | Nehru’s Idea’s on Nation Building and Re-Construction contemporary India: Some Reflect | Hari Das Biswas |
2 | Democracy and Good Governance: The Indian Experience | National Seminar | UGC-Sponsored, Department of Political Science, maynaguri College | 21-22 November, 2017 | Good Governance and Corruption System in India | Hari Das Biswas |
3 | India’s Experiment With Local Democracy | National Seminar | Sponsored by West Bengal Government, department of Political Science, Raiganj University | 22nd March, 2017 | Evolution and Debates if Panchayati Raj Institutions in West Bengal:A Briefly Analysis | Hari Das Biswas |
4 | Restructuring Indian Federation: The Recent Experiences | National Seminar | Department of Political Science, Gour Bango University | 21st March, 2018 | The Role of Multinational Corporations in Indian Federation:A survey | Hari Das Biswas |
5 | Gender Equality, Women Empowerment and State | National Seminar | Department of Political Science and philosophy, sukanta Mahavidyalaya, Dhupguri with collaboration Ananda Chandra College, Jalpaiguri | 28th March, 2018 | Impact of Indian Multinational Corporations and five Year Plan on Decentralized India | Hari Das Biswas |
6 | Propaganda and the Left Front Government (1977-2012) | NATIONAL SEMINAR | Department of Political Science, saheed Kshudiram College, kamakyaguri | 8-9 th March, 2017 | Left front government of West Bengal and It’s Evolution Propogenda and Decline Experiment: A secondary Alanysis | Hari Das Biswas |
7 | State of Democracy in Asia:Experiences and expectations | International webinar | Department of sociology with IQAC OF BIRPARA college | 13-14 august 2020 | Indian foreign Policy Decision making on the epidemic situation | Hari Das Biswas |
8 | India and her neighbours:challenges and potentiality | International Seminar | Department of Political Science, north Bengal university | 7th March, 2017 | India-Bangladesh Relations Since Twenty first century: Evolution and Challenges of North-East India | Hari Das Biswas |
Participation in OP/RC:
Sl. No. | Name of the Course/ Summer School | Place | Duration | Sponsoring Agency | Mode (Online/Offline) |
1 | Faculty Induction Programme | DOCTOR HARISINGH GOUR VISHWAVIDYALAYA( A Central University), Human Resource Development Centre, Sagar, M. P. | 24th January to 28 th February, 2022 | University Grants Commission | Online Mode |
2 | Refresher Course in Research Methods and Online Pedagogy | The University of Burdwan, Human Resource Development Centre, Burdwan W. B. | 31st January, 2023 to 13th February, 2023 | University Grants Commission | Online Mode |
Membership of Learned Societies/ Editorial Boards, etc.:
IPSA, indo-thai Academic and Cultural League