Prof. S Nurul Hasan College

Dr. Hari Das Biswas

Area of Specialization: Political Thought and Theory
Research interests: Indian Multinational Corporations and Their Role and Impact on India’s Foreign Policy Making
Date of joining: 11/09/2019
Teaching Experience: Seven
Title of thesis (Ph.D.) with year: Indian Multinational Corporations and Their Role and Impact on India’s Foreign Policy Making, 2019
Research Projects (Completed): Indian Multinational Corporations and Their Role and Impact on India’s Foreign Policy Making, socio-Economic Condition of North Bengal, socio-Economic condition of West Bengal: special Reflection on Murshidaabad District
List of publications: Seventeen

Academic Qualification:    


Published papers in Journals:

Sl. No.Title of the PaperAuthorsISSNName of the JournalVolume (issue)YearPage
1India-Bangladesh Relations Since Twenty first century: Evolution and Challenges of North-East IndiaHari Das Biswas2347-3193NAM TODAY-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE NEW AGE MINDVol-LVXXXIII, NO-11201831-34
2Digital India’s Impact and Majors Plan on Economy and Policy MakingHari Das Biswas2319-9318Vidyawarta-UGC ApprovedVol-04, Issue-28201858-66
3Indian Multinational Corporations:A Study of Their Role in Foreign Policy MakingHari Das Biswas2347-3193NAM TODAY-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE NEW AGE MINDVol-LVXXIX, NO-08201814-20
4The Role and Impact of Five Year Plan on Indian Multinational CorporationsHari Das Biswas2394-5303Printing Area International Research JournalVol-01, Issue-46201813-21
5The Role of Women Association in Pre-Independent and post- Independent IndiaHari Das Biswas2321-0583JONERVol-2, Issue-7201988-95
6The Role of Five Year Plans on India’s Multinational CorporationsHari Das BiswasThe Indian Journal of Political ScienceVol-LXXX, NO-12019101-106

Conference Proceedings:

Sl.  NoTitleDetails of Conference PublicationISSN/ ISBN No.No of co-authorWhether applicant is main author
1Five Year plans and India’s Multinational Corporations58th All India Political Science Conference & International Confidence. Meerut, on Aspiring India, 2018
2Local Issues Global Resolution: Ecology, Environment, Climate and EconomyInternational Conference, Raiganj University, 10-11th January, 2018

Talks/Posters/Papers presented:

Sl. No.Name of the Seminar/SymposiaNational/
Sponsoring agency and organizersDate of Seminar/SymposiaTitle of the paperSpeaker/ paper presentator
1Nehru and Nation Building in IndiaInternational SeminarCentre for Nehru Studies (UGC), DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, NORTH BENGAL UNIVERSITY28-29 March, 2015Nehru’s Idea’s on Nation Building and Re-Construction contemporary India: Some ReflectHari Das Biswas
2Democracy and Good Governance: The Indian ExperienceNational SeminarUGC-Sponsored, Department of Political Science, maynaguri College21-22 November, 2017Good Governance and Corruption System in IndiaHari Das Biswas
3India’s Experiment With Local DemocracyNational SeminarSponsored by West Bengal Government, department of Political Science, Raiganj University22nd March, 2017Evolution and Debates if Panchayati Raj Institutions in West Bengal:A Briefly AnalysisHari Das Biswas
4Restructuring Indian Federation: The Recent ExperiencesNational SeminarDepartment of Political Science, Gour Bango University21st March, 2018The Role of Multinational Corporations in Indian Federation:A surveyHari Das Biswas
5Gender Equality, Women Empowerment and StateNational SeminarDepartment of Political Science and philosophy, sukanta Mahavidyalaya, Dhupguri with collaboration Ananda Chandra College, Jalpaiguri28th March, 2018Impact of Indian Multinational Corporations and five Year Plan on Decentralized IndiaHari Das Biswas
6Propaganda and the Left Front Government (1977-2012)NATIONAL SEMINARDepartment of Political Science, saheed Kshudiram College, kamakyaguri8-9 th March, 2017Left front government of West Bengal and It’s Evolution Propogenda and Decline Experiment: A secondary AlanysisHari Das Biswas
7State of Democracy in Asia:Experiences and expectationsInternational webinarDepartment of sociology with IQAC OF BIRPARA college13-14 august 2020Indian foreign Policy Decision making on the epidemic situationHari Das Biswas
8India and her neighbours:challenges and potentialityInternational SeminarDepartment of Political Science, north Bengal university7th March, 2017India-Bangladesh Relations Since Twenty first century: Evolution and Challenges of North-East IndiaHari Das Biswas

Participation in OP/RC:

Sl. No.Name of the
Summer School
Mode (Online/Offline)
1Faculty Induction ProgrammeDOCTOR HARISINGH GOUR VISHWAVIDYALAYA( A Central University), Human Resource Development Centre, Sagar, M. P.24th January to 28 th February, 2022University Grants CommissionOnline Mode
2Refresher Course in Research Methods and Online PedagogyThe University of Burdwan, Human Resource Development Centre, Burdwan W. B.31st January, 2023 to 13th February, 2023University Grants CommissionOnline Mode

Membership of Learned Societies/ Editorial Boards, etc.:

IPSA, indo-thai Academic and Cultural League

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